
Monday, April 16, 2018

Choose Wisely

I have always loved this quote. I essentially looked it up when I was teaching 5th grade and placed it over our signature book. I love the message that it sends. I talked to my students about making wise choices and how those choices might affect people around them. We discussed that they are able to choose whatever they want to do, but to be prepared for the consequences whether good or bad. I have also shown this quote to my 10 year old son and have spoken the importance of making positive choices rather than negative ones.  We spoke about how easy it is to make a bad choice and not think about the consequences until they are in front of us. I told him that some consequences we can't see, for example if he said something mean to someone, he may not see how that hurt their feelings, but the negative consequence is now that he will be considered hurtful in their eyes.

My Motivation for this week is to make positive and wise choices, so that I can positively affect those around me and also myself.

I motivate myself to choose my words before I speak, so that I don't say something to hurt anyone around me.
I motivate myself to choose my actions for the better, so I can show my kids what a positive role model looks like.
I motivate myself to choose to fill my husbands bucket, so that he knows in all of this chaos he is still my rock and I love him deeply.
I motivate myself to choose time for me this week, so I can regroup and be fresh for whatever comes my way.
I motivate you to choose something to do this week to positively affect you or people surrounding you.

What can you choose to do to make your life more positive?

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