
Sunday, May 13, 2018


I wasn't sure what type of Mother's Day post I was going to write today...should I write a funny one or should I write a more serious one? As the day went on I became more tired and exhausted, as I sit here now trying to come up with a post my brain is just mush. The simple and true fact is I am a mother, and I took care of my kids today. I understand mother's who like
to celebrate this day, but in my case I don't need a day to tell me that I am a good mother...yes it is nice to be reminded once in awhile, but when it is out of the blue, that is when it means the most. I am reminded each and every day in little ways how much I mean to my kids. My son will confide in me something that happened at school. He will ask my opinion on an issue that he is dealing with. He tells me every single night how much he loves me and how happy he is that I am his mom. My daughter, even though only 4 month old, lights up when she see's me. We get to cuddle all day long and spend special time together. You see I don't need one day that my kids and husband have to tell me what a great mom I am, I get it everyday. In their own ways they show me how special I am to them, and they make me feel loved and proud to be their mom. So today I celebrate my kids, who without them, I would not know this unconditional love. I celebrate them because they make me a better person. They love me with all of their hearts and want that same love in return. Today I celebrate the one's that made me a Mother. 

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