
Monday, April 9, 2018

Motivation Monday- Working Out

PPIM= Poo Poo It's Monday. This is the saying that my mom and I always text  each other Monday morning. Nobody likes Monday, it means that your weekend is over and a long week has begun again. A lot of us need coffee and lots of motivation to get going Monday mornings. I know that I need that extra push Monday mornings. This morning I had to take my son to school. Now you are thinking that, that is not an issue. Well it is when your baby is going through a sleep regression and
waking up every hour at night. My alarm went off at 7:00 am and I proceeded to go and wake my son up. I then went and laid back down, you know when you say 5 more minutes, well my 5 minutes turned into 20. Thankfully my 10 year old son had already gotten dressed and was eating cereal when I came flying into the kitchen to make his lunch. We had to leave in 5 minutes. I threw the quickest items I could find into his lunch, he probably thought it was the best lunch he has had this year. I strapped the baby into the car seat and we were off. We made it to school with 3 minutes to spare. When I got back home I was going to crash back out again since the baby was asleep in her car seat. I unbuckled her straps ever so gently, thinking one wrong move and she would wake up. I lifted her out of the car seat, like I was holding onto a bomb, careful not to move her in any way that might rouse her from her slumber. I tiptoed ever so gently to her bassinet and swiftly laid her down. I held my breath and both eyes shot close. I then proceeded for the next hour to feed her, change her, and play with her. I was already exhausted and it was only 9 am!

 I needed motivation because I had already made up my mind to go to my exercise class today. I have been putting it off using multiple excuses. While scrolling Pinterest this morning I saw the quote:      " The only bad workout is the one that never happened". I had already started making excuses in my head... I didn't get enough sleep, the baby will get hungry while I am in there, the baby has been really fussy the last couple of days... I told myself that I was not going to see results, unless I went to that class. I read the quote one more time and agreed that the only bad workout is the one that doesn't happen. Even if I was going to workout twice a week, that was 2 workouts that I hadn't done before.  I made the class and had a blast working out, plus I felt so much better afterwards. Plus everyone was complimenting me on what a joy my daughter was. I am happy that I stumbled upon that quote this morning to get me going on a Poo Poo Monday.  What is your motivation for Monday's?

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